Saturday, April 16, 2011




Yes, I know I'm three days early but you should understand that I didn't want to forget about your birthday or get busy with Champy, or something else and miss or forget sending you a birthday email.
Just think, in three days five years ago you joined us on this plant called Earth as the new member of the ****** family. Your mother, had been really, really waiting for you to make your appearance - which you understand the reason why about twenty years from now.

I'm not sure, or I can't fully remember your father's outward disposition and the same can be said about your brother, Taka. But I was really thrilled holding you in my arms and on my lap when your mother, daddy, brother and sister stopped at my house on their way from Shreveport back to California. At that time Champ, my Cocker Spaniel, was wondering why someone was getting the attention he normally received from me. But, he too came close to look you over. Unfortunately, you guys were short on time to make your airline connections at DFW Airport resulting in a very brief stay.

You, Naoki, are very, very fortunate to have been born at a time and in a circumstance and surroundings primed to nurture you, to guide you and to make way for you to be a huge success in your lifetime - but only if you avail and take advantage of the many, many gifts from the parents that gave you birth. You will have time to play and grow-up but don't make the mistake of not knowing when to put play things aside and focus of the frequently arduous tasks and duties you must master to reach the pinnacle that life has to offer! It's a choice - but the rewards, if you so choose to endure, will reverberate for generations long after your demise.

Of course, this means nothing to you a few days before your fifth birthday, but I suspect, and hope, that your mother will see fit to preserve these words so that you'll be able to find value in them long, long, long years from now.

Happy birthday, my great-nephew Naoki. I love you.

Your great-uncle,

Alvin Everett ******

Thank you, Uncle Al!!!人気ブログランキングへ

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