Sunday, December 14, 2008

海の生き物 Sea Animals

たあくんが学校の図書館で海の生き物の図鑑を借りてきて、絵や写真ではなく実際に見てみたい生き物がいくつかあると言い、そのページをコピーしていた。なので、シーワールドへその生き物を探しに行ってきた。が、あまりにも珍しい生き物ばかりを選んだらしく、たあくんが選んだ物は一つもいなかった。でも、久しぶりに「水族館」を満喫。ラッコの泳ぐのを見て、イルカが泳ぐのを見て、エイを触り、うつぼの水槽を見て、ヒトデやウニやイソギンチャクを触り、World of the sea Aquariumを見て、Aquarium de la Merを見て、淡水の水槽を見て、サメの水槽を見て、マナティの水槽を見て、北極の生き物達を見た。今回、たあくんとなおくんが熱心に見ていたのが、マナティとセイウチ。
Taka brought the book about sea animal from school library. He told me he wants to see some of them not just pictures and he made a copy. So we went to Sea World to see those animals but he picked really rare ones. We enjoyed genuine aquarium even though we could not fined any animal Taka wanted to see. We saw swimming sea otters and dolphin, touched stingrays, saw moray eels, touched starfish, sea urchin and anemone, checked World of the sea Aquarium, checked Aquarium de la Mer, checked freshwater Aquarium, saw sharks, saw Manatees and checked Wild Arctic Interaction. This time my boys eagerly checked Manatee and Walrus and Taka learned a lot about them.
Manatee and elephant have a same ancestor. So Manatee's front fin and elephant's legs are look-alike. Also Taka learned about Manatee gets hurt by boat when they come to the surface of the water when they breath.
Walrus (both male and female) have two big tusk. But what we saw was Walrus with no tusk. Walrus' tusks are connected with their skull. When the tusk has a cavity, the germ goes to brain and it is very dangerous for them. So that walrus had cavity and tusks are surgically removed.

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