Wednesday, December 10, 2008


何が欲しいかを、しっかり伝え、さらに「Was I too Bad this year?」(ことしのたあくんは悪い子だった?なんて聞いてるし。(今年一年間良い子でないと、サンタさんからプレゼントはもらえません!)きっと、あんまり良い子じゃなかったなぁ・・・と思っているのでしょう。
Boys took a picture with Mr. Santa.
They took a picture together last year but this time we did separately. First, Taka's turn. He made sure let Santa knew what he wants and he asked Santa if he was good boy this year. He knows he was not too good so he is so worried he will not get any present from Santa.
And, Naoki's turn. Last year Naoki went crazy when he saw the Santa. This year he was fine just look at Santa. But he went crazy again when he was on Santa's lap...Just like last year. even though he was scared of Santa, he did not forget getting a candy!
Hopefully, next year I can take a Santa and Naoki's picture with big smile on their face.

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