Tuesday, July 1, 2008


Naoki gathered blueberry at Grandpa's Farm. Last year it was only 3 blueberries but this year it was 10 big blueberries.
We dig the potatoes at Great-Grandpa's Farm today. Both boys enjoyed touching soil and look for big potatoes.
Taka was keep digging and Naoki was collecting potatoes that his great parents dug and put in a basket.
When they dig the soil, there were worm came out and at the farm baby mantis flew from somewhere. Boys were excited! Hopefully it was memorable event this summer.


Al Horton said...

Ohayou Kaori,

In years, if not in generations to come, the recording of history you are putting in place will be indispensable to capture this distinct period in the lives of your sons - - it's what premier awards are given.

Here on your blog, Kaori, you've so vividly enunciated in pictures that which words would be incapable.

With the passing of time, Taka and Naoki, will increasing gain an understanding and appreciation of just how fortunate and privileged they were/are to have been born into the loving family that nurtured them in the ways of value and importance.

Just look at the joy on the faces of your sons - the San Diego Chargers football cap notwithstanding!!

The mutual love and happiness washing over the boys and their great-grandparents on the farm is captured in your pictures.

Why didn't I have a Mom like you???

Say hello to your family for me.


Uncle Al


kaokiki said...

hello, Uncle Al!
Many Kids do not know how the vegetable grow that is the one of reason kids do not eat vege.
when they pick vege from vine they eat good.
I will say hello to my Family from you!
Have a good one.